House Photographs

Photographs – Houses


Note: Perley numbers correspond to numbered house histories in "Dwellings of Boxford" and "Updated Dwellings of Boxford," both available in our online shop

30 Allen Circle


Baldpate Road (Perley #75 )

Perley-Almshouse-Happy Health Camp

Not standing (located in front of 49 Baldpate Road)


38 Baldpate Road (Perley #74)

Capt. Francis Perley-Mighill-Thomas House


82 Baldpate Road (Perley # 77)

Perley-Patten-Gould-Chase House

Not standing


Bare Hill Road (Perley #52)

Smith-Gunison House

Not standing


119 Bare Hill Road (Perley #50)

Joseph Janes-Shaw House


5 Barker Road (Perley #274)

Day-Chadwick-Barrows-Golf Club

8 Batchelder Road

10 Batchelder Road

11 Batchelder Road

13 Batchelder Road

16 Batchelder Road

20 Batchelder Road

21 Batchelder Road

24 Batchelder Road

29 Batchelder Road

31 Batchelder Road

32 Batchelder Road

34 Batchelder Road

35 Batchelder Road

36 Batchelder Road

37 Batchelder Road

43A Batchelder Road

43B Batchelder Road

44 Batchelder Road

45 Batchelder Road


2 Brook Road


7 Brook Road


29 Brook Road (Perley #224) 

Harriman-Gemmell-Spinney House


29 Brookview Road (Perley #186)

Stiles-Foster-Parkhurst House



Brookview Road/479 Lacy Street, North Andover

Killam-Kittredge-Windrush Farm


13 Cross Road

4 Coach Lane

7 Coach Lane

8 Coach Lane


Depot Road (Perley #55)

Jackson Cellar-Parrot House

Not standing


4 Depot Road (Perley #60)

F.A. Howe-Moore House


10 Depot Road (Perley #59)

East Parish Parsonage-Geisel House


15 Depot Road

Charles Bixby House

Original house not standing


127 Depot Road


129 Depot Road (Perley #47)

Boston and Maine Railroad-Rollins House


139 Depot Road (Perley #46)

Leavitt-Gamble-Cathcart House


7 Eagle’s NestRoad/35 Valley Road (Perley #88)

Fowler-Woodbury House


Elm Street (Perley # 105)

Bacon-Old Library

Not standing/moved to Lynnfield


2 Elm Street (Perley #99)

Hale-Alcott-Cotton-Falk House


7 Elm Street

C.A. Bixby-Jack’s-Waynes’s Store


9 Elm Street

Cole-May House


10 Elm Street (Perley #104)

Howe-Cummings House-Boxford Village Library


13 Elm Street (Perley #106)

Kimball-French-Fenton House


14 Elm Street (Perley #107)

Coggin-Childs-Peterson House


15 Elm Street (Perley #108)

Ayers-Bradford-Parsons House


17 Elm Street (Perley #109)

Strout-Calder House


21 Elm Street (Perley #110)

Henry Newhall Cellar-Kirkpatrick House


23 Elm Street (Perley #164)

Averill-Locke-Waters House


Endicott Road (Perley #147)

Killam House

Not standing


8 Endicott Road

Pinkham-Losee House


21 Endicott Road (Perley #146)

Sawyer-Savage-Blackburn House


5 Essex Street (Perley #248)

Chadwick-Andrew-Eichorn House


3 Fieldstone Way


Georgetown Road (Perley #31)

Marden-Tidd-Gray House

Not standing


Georgetown Road (Perley #68)

Peabody-Spiller-Herrick House

Not standing [105 Georgetown Road]


15B/C Georgetown Road

46 Georgetown Road 

48 Georgetown Road (Perley #62)

Perley-Carson-Lantner House


54 Georgetown Road (Perley #63)

Goodridge-Gould-Stevens-Gerst-Robbins House

Original house not standing


56 Georgetown Road (Perley #214)

Mary A.B. Gould-Gerst-Murphy House


118 Georgetown Road (Perley #69)

Rev. A.B. Peabody-Miller House


125 Georgetown Road (Perley #90A, 198)

Schoolhouse #5/Old Red Schoolhouse

Not standing


146 Georgetown Road

Dr. Simeon Locke

Not standing


164 Georgetown Road?

Original house substantially altered


Herrick Road (Perley #67)

Stickney cellars

Not standing



5 Herrick Road (Perley #65)

Israel Herrick-Dorman House

Original house not standing


11 Herrick Road

Cider Mill house

24 Herrick Road

27 Herrick Road

31 Herrick Road

38 Herrick Road

41 Herrick Road

53 Herrick Road

61 Herrick Road

63 Herrick Road

71 Herrick Road

81 Herrick Road

85 Herrick Road

91 Herrick Road

97 Herrick Road


131 Herrick Road

Gingrande House


38 Highland Road

Dacey-Greenler House

4 High Ridge Road

9 High Ridge Road

10 High Ridge Road

11 High Ridge Road

18 High Ridge Road

22 High Ridge Road

51 High Ridge Road

53 High Ridge Road

54 High Ridge Road

57 High Ridge Road

58 High Ridge Road

64 High Ridge Road

65 High Ridge Road

66 High Ridge Road

67 High Ridge Road

73 High Ridge Road

74 High Ridge Road

77 High Ridge Road

78 High Ridge Road

86 High Ridge Road

87 High Ridge Road

90 High Ridge Road

96 High Ridge Road

99 High Ridge Road

100 High Ridge Road

104 High Ridge Road

108 High Ridge Road

115 High Ridge Road

120 High Ridge Road

126 High Ridge Road


Ipswich Road (Perley #12)

Old Aaron Perley House

House currently part of estate at 35 Ipswich Road


3 Ipswich Road (Perley #3)

L.S. Howe-Dougher House


5 Ipswich Road (Perley #4)

E. Howe-Matz-Shelly House


7 Ipswich Road (Perley #5)

Hale Shoe Shop-Howe-Barr House


9 Ipswich Road (Perley #6)

Perley-Margaret Hale-Perkins House


15 Ipswich Road (Perley #9)

Old Hale-Lambert House


17 Ipswich Road (Perley #8)

Little Hale-Ackerman House


21 Ipswich Road (Perley #10)

Howe-Bixby-Woodbury-Creesy House


35 Ipswich Road (Perley #11)

Aaron Perley-Cleaveland-Murray House


49 Ipswich Road (Perley #13)

W.P. Cleaveland-Robinson House


67 Ipswich Road (Perley #14)

T.P. Killam-Parkhurst House


106 Ipswich Road

Power-Sprague House


111 Ipswich Road (Perley #44)

Andrews-Lenfesty-Millett House

114 Ipswich Road (Perley #43)

John Hale-Hotel Placidia-Frost House

Original building not standing


120 Ipswich Road (Perley #42)

John Hale-Cadet-Shaw-Truman House


154 Ipswich Road

Clint French House


164 Ipswich Road

Mary Gallyon House


213 Ipswich Road (Perley #72)

Solomon Wood-Raymond Perley-Scala House

Not standing


281 Ipswich Road (Perley #78)

David Wood-Batchelder-Ballou Tavern

Original house not standing


282 Ipswich Road (Perley #79)

Bachelder-North Bennet Street Industrial School Camp


316 Ipswich Road (Perley #98)

Wood-Stetson House


396 Ipswich Road

Fortuna-Guilbault House


401 Ipswich Road (Perley #94)

Parsons-Hopping House


411 Ipswich Road (Perley #93)

Sias-Curtis House


437 Ipswich Road (Perley #92)

Foster-Bodwell-Achenbach House


455 Ipswich Road (Perley #90)

Lucy Kimball-Chandler-Shaw House

Original houses not standing


474 Ipswich Road (Perley #89)

Tyler-Wood-Pinkham-Ladd House


494 Ipswich Road

Otis Curtis Farm


521 Ipswich Road (Perley #214)

Kimball-Rowe-Allen House


2 Kelsey Road (Perley #37)

Savage-Keyes-Haywood House


18 Kelsey Road (Perley #39a)

Kelsey office/barn


20 Kelsey Road (Perley #39)

Prichard-Barnes-Wood House


Killam Hill Road (Perley #19)

Elbridge Perley House

Not standing


Killam Hill Road (Perley #20)

Professor Moore-Harris-Adams House

Moved to 3 Linebrook Road, Topsfield


18 Killam Hill Road (Perley #17)

Peabody-Buck-LePlant House


83 Killam Hill Road

Paul Killam House


110 Killam Hill Road

2nd District 4 schoolhouse and 2nd District 3 schoolhouse


119 Killam Hill Road

Raciti House


Lake Shore Road (Perley #259)

Pearl-Webster House

Not standing


22 Lake Shore Road (Perley #261)

Moulton House


77 Lake Shore Road (Perley #260)

Peabody-Wilmarth-Morss House

Partially demolished


98 Lake Shore Road (Perley #256)

David Mighill Cole-Blanchette-Ingalls House


145 Lake Shore Road (Perley #254)

Mitchell-Pearl House

Original house not standing


161 Lake Shore Road

Pearl House


1 Lawrence Road (Perley #180)

John Parkhurst-Hey Stickney House


2 Lawrence Road (Perley #181)

Atherton-Simpson-Verry House


6 Lawrence Road (Perley #183)

Bentley-Match Factory-Anderson-Howard House


28 Lawrence Road

John Boardman House – moved from Saugus


Lockwood Lane – near 66 Lockwood Lane (Perley #129)

Twitchell-Lockwood House

Not Standing



28 (was 62) Lockwood Lane (Perley #131)

Symonds-Huntoon-Lockwood House


51 Lockwood Lane (Perley #128)

Aunt Ginny Andrews-Titus-Upton House

Not standing - note that this is a different house than the District 1 Schoolhouse, currently listed as 51 Lockwood Lane


51 Lockwood Lane – current address

District One Schoolhouse


Main Street – near 85 Main Street (Perley # 172)

Capt. John Peabody House

Not standing


6 Main Street (Perley #165)

Capt. Henry Moulton-Rolfe-Poore-Heeremans House


13 Main Street (Perley #163)

Hotel Redington-Gillis-Walsh-Conniff House


14 Main Street


20 Main Street

Russell-Foster House


27 Main Street (Perley #161)

French-Russell House


34 Main Street

Cargill House

Original house not standing


57 Main Street (Perley #167)

Pearson-Morse-Haynes House


68 Main Street

Davis House


71 Main Street (Perley #169)

Matthews-Stout House

Not standing


77 Main Street (Perley #170)

Parson Briggs-Palmer-Lane House


85 Main Street (Perley #171)

Peabody-Palmer-Lord House


95 Main Street (Perley #173)

George Perley-Parker House and barns


106 Main Street (Perley # 174)

Emerson-Perley House


107 Main Street (Perley #175)

Twisden-Baer House


123 Main Street


128 Main Street

Stuart K. Harris House

Original house not standing


147 Main Street (Perley #189)

Moore-Riggs House


152 Main Street (Perley #191)

Foster-Brown-Mortimer House


166 Main Street (Perley #193)

Kimball-Peabody-Sherrill House


186 Main Street (Perley #195)

Kimball-Bremner-Spring-Atwood-Sullivan House


187 Main Street (Perley #194)


193 Main Street (Perley #200)

Mortimer-Thompson-Shulman House

Original house not standing


237 Main Street (Perley #205)

Berry-Bolton-Simpson House


285 Main Street (Perley #206)

Kimball-Webster-Holgate-Galloway House


361 Main Street (Perley 208)

Cole-Doucette House

Original house not standing


363 Main Street (Perley #209)

Eames-Foster-Cole-Pratt House


466 Main Street

Doucette-Cunningham House


476 Main Street

Paisley House

Not standing


499 Main Street (Perley #218)

Pearl-Wood-Cole House


553 Main Street (Perley #221)

Porter-Pearl-Gamans House


556 Main Street (Perley #226)

Spofford House


570 Main Street (Perley #295)

Rev. Calvin E. Park-Richardson-Hildebrand House

Original house not standing


571 Main Street

McGregor House


599 Main Street (Perley #289)

Clark-Barker Free School-Barrell House


605 Main Street (Perley #288)

Hovey-Evans House


619 Main Street (Perley #287)

Wood-Plummer-Morin House


645 Main Street (Perley #285)

Kimball-Chadwick House


665 Main Street (Perley #282)

Not standing

Day-Chadwick-Facella House


699 Main Street


712 Main Street (Perley #280A)

Austin-Dennen Barn House


715 Main Street (Perley #280)

Tyler-Austin-Loring House


717 Main Street (Perley #279)

Tyler-Bolton-Davis House


778 Main Street (Perley #273)

Chadwick-Jeffrey House


Middleton Road (Perley #143)

Iles House

Moved to 11 Boxford Road, Topsfield


Middleton Road/Bald Hill (Perley #135)

Gould-Russell-Hooper House


1 Middleton Road (Perley #100)

Allen-Manny-Sawyer House/First Church Parsonage


4 Middleton Road

Town Hall-Council On Aging


5 Middleton Road (Perley #101)

Bixby-Nelson House


7 Middleton Road

Not standing


12 Middleton Road

Hills-Payne-Hubbard House


16 Middleton Road

George Parkhurst-Hunter House


18 Middleton Road

Forrest Eaton House


29 Middleton Road (Perley #102)

Rea-Crossman-Christian House


40 Middleton Road (Perley #159)

Frye-Perley House

Not standing


63 Middleton Road (Perley #157)

Stiles-Cole-Gage-Stewart House


73 Middleton Road (Perley #155)

Foster-Cheney-MacLachlan House


110 Middleton Road (Perley # 154)

Sawyer-Atherton-Vildavs House


115 Middleton Road

E. Preston Gould House


120 Middleton Road (Perley #153)

Killam-Gould-Johnson House


223 Middleton Road

Anderson-King-Day House


230 Middleton Road (Perley #138)

Gould-McLaughlin-Hitchcock House

Not standing


249B Middleton Road (Perley #139)

Curtis-Holmes-Miller House


33 Mill Road (Perley #162)

Hayward-Perley-Phillips House


40 Mill Road

Myron Williams House     


27 Mill Run Road

Howe-Chaplin-Martin-Evans House and Mill

Original mill not standing


12 Mortimer Road (Perley #203)

Woods-Mortimer-Peake House

Original house not standing


Oak Ridge Road (Perley #264)

Enos Reynolds-Lund House

Not standing


2 Old Killam Hill Road (Perley #24)

Perley-Killam-Moore House


11 Old Topsfield Road (Perley #123)

(was 132 Topsfield Road)

Shirley-Case-Abbott House


26 Pine Plain Road

4 Pond Street

Parkhurst House


8 Samuel Bixby Way


19 Samuel Bixby Way


Spofford Road (Perley #82)

H. Merritt Spofford-Adams House

Not standing


112 Spofford Road

131 Spofford Road (Perley #83)

Israel Spofford-Osborn House


161 Spofford Road (Perley #84)

Adams-Whitney-Cross House

4 Stonecleave Road

6 Stonecleave Road

13 Stonecleave Road

20 Stonecleave Road

23 Stonecleave Road

33 Stonecleave Road

33B Stonecleave Road

44 Stonecleave Road

47 Stonecleave Road

57 Stonecleave Road


48 Sunrise Road


54 Sunrise Road

47 Surrey Lane

56 Surrey Lane

74 Surrey Lane

1 Tanglewood Road

1A Tanglewood Road

4 Tanglewood Road

5 Tanglewood Road

8 Tanglewood Road

9 Tanglewood Road

14 Tanglewood Road

15 Tanglewood Road


Topsfield Road (Perley #116)

Old Conant House/”Honeymoon Cottage”

Not standing


Topsfield Road (Perley #125)

Walter Smith House

Not standing


2 Topsfield Road (Perley #111)

Holyoke-French House


8 Topsfield Road (Perley #112)

Conant-Gould House


20 Topsfield Road (Perley #113)

Howe-Fort House


28 Topsfield Road


33 Topsfield Road (Perley #117)

Dorman-Cahoon-Loebel House


34 Topsfield Road

Field-Bain-Doughty-Merrill House


42 Topsfield Road (Perley #119)

Moses Dorman-Coolidge House


43 Topsfield Road

Atkinson-Mattraw-Cahoon House


48 Topsfield Road (Perley #120)

Nat Dorman-Maddock-Ferber House


48 Topsfield Road (across the street)

Barber shop


63A Topsfield Road (Perley #121)

Andrews-Holt-Livermore-Camp Columbus


176 Topsfield Road

Borek House

17 Towne Road

19 Towne Road

36 Towne Road

51 Towne Road


55 Towne Road (Perley #177)

Towne-Price House


35 Valley Road (Perley #88)

See 7 Eagle’s Nest Road


106 Valley Road (Perley #85) – previously 102 Valley Road

Carleton-Mellian House


Washington Street (Perley #234)

Morse-Parker House

Not standing


Washington Street/Dole Hill (Perley #225)

Chadwick-Willard-Dole-Nason House

Not standing


5 Washington Street

John T. Chadwick Farm


17 Washington Street (Perley #241)

Isaac C. Day-Breed-Hills House

Original house not standing


18 Washington Street (Perley #240)

Hale-Ingalls-Price-Gowan House


26 Washington Street ((Perley #238)

Knowlton-Murphy-Miller House

Not standing


51 Washington Street (Perley #236)

Cole-Doherty-Smith-O’Connor House


158 Washington Street (Perley #229)

Kimball-Colby House

Not standing


167 Washington Street (Perley #228)

West Parish Parsonage-Spofford-Cole House


172 Washington Street (Perley #242)

Ladd-Wiley-Cole-Frizzell House (Robert Robinson’s gas station)


177 Washington Street (Perley #244)

Mrs. W.R. Cole-Burgson-Chadwick House


181 Washington Street (Perley #246)

Perley-Benson House


182 Washington Street

Columbia Hall/Dineen House


183 Washington Street (Perley #245)

Durant-Harriman-Turner-Blake-Woodward House


189 Washington Street (Perley #247)

Henley-Cole-Paisley House


276 Washington Street (Perley #250)

Eames-Robinson-Nason-Stone House


277 Washington Street

Nason House


285 Washington Street (Perley #251)

Robinson-Davis-Moxley-Monell House


Miscellaneous negatives


Photographs and Postcards - Houses in Other Towns




Benjamin Abbott House (9 Andover Street) (photograph)


Balch House (postcard)

Hospital Point and lighthouse (postcard)


Kimball Tavern (photograph/ postcard)


Gov. William Dummer mansion (photograph)


Prof. George Herbert Palmer's library (11 Quincy Street) (photograph)


Samuel Parkhurst House (photograph)


Agnes H. Woodbury House (photograph)

Rebecca Nurse Homestead (149 Pine Street) (photograph)


Baldpate (photograph)

Charles Chaplin House (photograph)

Dunbar Tavern (photograph)

Oldest house – not identified (postcard)


Solomon Spofford house (photograph)

Solomon Spofford barn and woodworking shop (photograph)


Samuel White Duncan House-Haverhill Historical Society (postcard)

Hazen House (photograph)

Lantern House (photograph)

Whittier homestead (photograph/several postcards)

Spiller Garrison House (postcard)

Haverhill/Rocks Village

Mary Ingalls/Countess de Vipart (photograph)


Lord-Sawyer House (postcard)

Whipple House (photograph)


Laurinda Parkhurst House/Main Street

Newton Centre

America House (postcard)

North Andover

Elizabeth Barker House (photograph)

Anne Bradstreet House (photograph)

Inglehurst at Ingalls Station (photograph)

Leonard Killam House/ Charles Kittredge House (photograph/postcard)


Governor’s House-Salem Pioneer Village (postcard)

House of Seven Gables (postcard)

John Ward House (postcard)

Witch House (postcard)


Scots' House and Iron Works House (photograph)

Iron Works House (postcard)


Ben English House/111 Washington Street (photograph)

MerryKnoll (postcard)

  Parson Capen House (postcards)




Enoch Perley house (BHS Box 31)


Perley House (photographs)


Old Longfellow House (postcards)




House owned by father of Alice Freeman Palmer (BHS collection/People file/Ingalls-Peabody, H.)


New Hampshire


Nudd House, 265 N. Main Street (photograph and postcard)


Warner House (postcard)


Jane Richards (photograph)


Boxford, England (postcards)


Rattlesden-Church of St. Nicholas

Primrose Cottage

Church Street

Boxford Church-St. Mary’s Church

Oliver’s Cottage

Boxford Mill

The River

Little Thatch


Butchers Lane

The Square

Stone Street

Swan Street

Broad Street