
Inventory for this collection is in progress. Our inventory of Massachusetts and United States maps has not yet been completed.

Boxford Town Maps

1795 (copy)






US Geological Survey Map, 1917 

1922 (one marked with seasonal water, permanent water, wood roads and auto roads)

General Highway Map of Essex County, 1939 (detailed legend captures all residence types including camps, public buildings, businesses, public spaces, road surfacing etc.) (only shows Boxford and North Andover; used for 1950 Boxford census)

Map of Boxford Roads with buildings marked, c. 1940s 

1940 map with “TBM” and “AB” locations marked Boxford Flood Hazard Boundary Maps, 1976 (from the Thomas Papers collection)

Map of Boxford Roads and Dwellings, 1944 (cloth and paper copy)

Ordinance Survey of Boxford, War Department Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army, 1944

Map of Boxford, County of Essex Engineering Department, 1932, revised 1942, 1952, 1954

1967 Soil maps by the US Department of Agriculture

Relationship of soils to seasonal high water table

General soil map

Soil limitations for septic tank sewage disposal

Soil limitations for commercial and industrial sites with on-site sewage disposal

Soil limitations for home sites

Soil limitations for athletic fields

Soil limitations for sources of sand and gravel

Soil limitations for roads

Soil limitations for wetland wildlife sites

Soil limitations for school sites

Land slope characteristics

Airphoto Index

1970 natural resource map showing buildings, topography and natural features

1975 map showing property parcel outlines

Boxford map with Wildlife Sanctuary outlined, c. 1928

Boxford Town Maps with Historical Information

Boxford Map of Old Roads, 1652-1850, with 1830 list of landowners, map compiled and drawn by Winthrop P. Haynes, 1944, roads added by John and Winnifrid Parkhurst, 1955

1790-1795 map with list of householders

1830 map with list of householders

1856 map with “Old Boxford Roads” written in by Winnifrid Parkhurst

1884 map with Perley numbers and landowners written in by Winthrop P. Haynes

1884 map of East Boxford only with Perley # annotations – in Dorothy Woodbury Collection

1939 map with Perley numbers and landowners by Withrop P. Haynes and Miss Herrick

Boxford House Locations c.1930-1933, by Shaw family

Map of Boxford Center showing the first land divisions, by Withrop P. Haynes, 1952

Xerox copy of map to accompany “Old Roads of Boxford, 1652-1855” by John W. and Winnifrid C. Parkhurst, 1955

Map of West Boxford bounded by Washington Street, Willow Road, Pine Plain Road and Uptack Road, showing Boxford town line in Groveland prior to 1856, c. 1910s

Map showing locations of all historic schools in Boxford, with historical descriptions, map used is the Town Zoning Map, 1977

Map of Boxford Center (East Boxford) 1699-1703 landowners on 1945 roads and house map, by Winthrop aynesHaynes, 1945  

Map of the Boxford Historical Bicycle Trail, 1986

Map of “Who Lived Where in 1884” 

Hand-drawn map of Boxford showing dates for West Boxford roads, created after 1959 (from the estate of Richard Hopping)

Index map of Boxford, drawn and numbered to illustrate Sidney Perley’s “Dwellings of Boxford”

Partial Boxford Town Maps

Map of land from North Parish Church in North Andover (at the circle) to the intersection of Spofford Street and Rte. 133 / Andover Street, showing Great Pond Road, Essex Street, Washington Street, Ipswich Road, and Highland Road in Boxford, 1827

Map showing route along Ipswich Road from Topsfield Common to Second Church in Boxford, c. 1820s-1830s

Map showing Main Street (Old Road and New Road) by Sperry Pond, West Boxford, 1873

Groveland MA assessors plan, 1903 (includes Boxford on Georgetown town line)

Hand-drawn maps of East Village and West Village centers with homeowners, c. 1940

Map of Boxford Center, 1945 

Map of East Boxford c. 1950s-1960s 

Historic District maps of East Boxford and Howe Village historic districts with homeowners, 1970

 US Geological Survey Map, Georgetown MA Quadrangle (includes West Boxford), 1966 (includes photorevised copy, 1979)

        US Geological Survey Map, South Groveland MA Quadrangle (includes West Boxford), 1952, 1966 (includes photorevised copy, 1979)

Hand-drawn map showing Haynes Home (57 Main Street) with embedded photograph

Map showing Boxford and Topsfield Village and “Elmlea” (Haynes home at 57 Main Street)

Boxford Topographical Maps

Topographical map of Boxford, 1900 (street names filled in by hand)

US Geological Survey Map (topographical map, includes buildings), c. late 1950s

US Geological Survey Map (topographical map, includes buildings), 1944, 1966

US Geological Survey Map (topographical map, includes some buildings), 1893 (also 1916/1925 reprints of 1893 map)

US Geological Survey Map of Boxford with locus for Georgetown Sand and Gravel Co. pit, 1966

West Boxford Topographical map, shows all buildings, no date (late 1800s-early 1900s)

Topographical Map of Boxford, includes some buildings, no date

Boxford Military Maps

Map of Vicinity of Cadet Camp Covered by Practice March Co. C 2nd Corps Cadets [Camp Stanton / Camp Curtis Guild], 1899

Boxford Open Spaces Maps

Boxford map with Wildlife Sanctuary outlined, c. 1928

        Map, Upper and Lower Paths Around Baldpate, 1963

        Map, Lockwood Realty Trust, BTA/BOLT, Nancy Merrill Files, 1996

Map of Boxford State Forest by New England Orienteering Club Inc., 1981

Map of Boxford Wildlife Reservation, 1928

BTA/BOLT, Merrimack Valley Planning Commission- Regional Bikeway Proposal Map, 1975

Map of the Boxford State Forest and the John C. Phillips Wildlife Sanctuary, no date (in Dorothy Woodbury Collection)

Boxford Zoning Maps

Map with districts and land divisions, 1962

Map with topography, districts, and land divisions, 1976

Map with districts, land divisions, and insets for the village stores, old Dole Hill Road (off of Washington Street), and Georgetown Road shopping center, 1977

Map with districts, land divisions, and insets for the village stores, old Dole Hill Road (off of Washington Street), and Georgetown Road shopping center, proposed Four Mile Village development, 1977 with 1981 revision

Boxford Zoning Map with 1984 revisions 

Boxford Zoning Map, 1985

Tri-Town Maps

Maps of Boxford, Middleton and Topsfield, c.1959, 1986, 1988, 1991, 2000

Street Guide Map of Topsfield – Boxford – Middleton – Georgetown, 1960

Map Poster of Boxford, Middleton and Topsfield, Topsfield Rotary Club, 1987

Map of Boxford and Topsfield, League of Women Voters, 1967, 1968, 1980

Map of Boxford and Topsfield, Village Properties, 8 Central Street, Topsfield, 1988

Map of Boxford and Topsfield, Boxford Realty, 119 Depot Road, Boxford, no date

Map of Boxford, Topsfield and Middleton, from Winthrop P. Haynes papers, c. 1960s

Essex County Maps

1872 map of Essex County (copy)

Essex County Driving Road maps, 1884, printed by Geo H. Walker & Co. (for the Atlas of Essex County and for Briggs & Co. Druggist)

Rural Delivery Routes Essex County Mass, Post Office Department (c.1910’s-1920’s)

US Department of Agriculture, Essex County Soil Map, 1925

Essex County road map, Gloucester Chamber of Commerce, 1926

Map of Essex County, Massachusetts, 1939

Map of Essex County, 1942 

Map of Essex County, Engineering Department, Robert R Evans, 1942 (1966 revision)

US Geological Survey Map, Synopsis of Water Resources of the Essex River Basin, 1964 (Dorothy Woodbury collection, 2005) 

US Geological Survey Map of Essex County 1978 (2 copies)

Hand-drawn map of Essex County showing dates of incorporation for towns, created after 1959 (from the estate of Richard Hopping)

Regional Maps

US Geological Survey Map Topographical map of Parker River Watershed  Parker and Rowley River Drainage Basins, locations of wells and test holes, Massachusetts Department of Public Works (showing buildings, topography and natural features) 1940s (?)

Map of Existing Interstate 95 and [proposed] Alternative Routes, c. 1970s (?) 

BTA/BOLT, Merrimack Valley Planning Commission- Regional Bikeway Proposal Map, 1975

17th Century maps of New England (copies) 

Partial Esso gas station map of New England, c.1940s 

United States Maps

Map of America, 1593 (copy)

Americae Pars Borealis (copy)

Complete Historical Map of the United States, by Herbert W. Hetherington, 1950 

Andover, MA

Map of Andover by Moses Dorman Jr, 1830 (includes North Andover) 

Boston, MA

US Geological Survey Map, Boston and Vicinity, 1917 (showing buildings, topography, and natural features)

US Geological Survey Map, Boston South Quadrangle, 1970 (showing buildings, topography, and natural features)

US Geological Survey Map, Boston North Quadrangle, 1950 (1946 reprint) (showing buildings, topography, and natural features)

Essex, MA


Georgetown, MA

Georgetown, MA map from D. G. Beers’ Atlas of Essex County, 1872 

Georgetown, MA Business District, Beers’ Atlas of Essex County, 1872

Map of Boston and Maine Railroad Track and Right-of-Way at Georgetown and Newbury line, 1914


Map of Georgetown, MA 1950 by Georgetown Pharmacy INC (from Dorothy Woodbury’s collection)

Essex County Electric Company Maps

Georgetown-Topsfield line 1954

US Geological Survey Map, Georgetown Flood Plain, 1980

Gloucester, MA

US Geological Survey Map, Gloucester, 1906 (1893 reprint) (showing buildings, topography, and natural features)

US Geological Survey Map, Gloucester Quadrangle, 1941 (1893 reprint) (showing buildings, topography, and natural features)

US Geological Survey Map, Gloucester Quadrangle, 1945 (showing buildings, topography, and natural features)

Groveland, MA

Groveland MA assessors plan, 1903 (includes Boxford on Georgetown town line) 


Map of the Town of Groveland, MA by the Groveland Planning Board, no date (from Dorothy Woodbury’s collection) 

Hamilton, MA

Map of “Who Lived Where in 1884” 

Haverhill, MA

US Geological Survey Map, Haverhill, 1884 (showing buildings, topography, and natural features)


US Geological Survey Map, Haverhill Quadrangle, 1943 (showing buildings, topography, and natural features)

US Geological Survey Map, Haverhill Quadrangle (MA / NH), 1955 (showing buildings, topography, and natural features)

Essex County Electric Company Maps

Haverhill-Newburyport line 1955

Map of “Who Lived Where in 1872” 

Hull, MA

US Geological Survey Map, Hull Quadrangle, 1971 (showing buildings, topography, and natural features)

Ipswich, MA


Hood’s Pond Section of Willowdale State Forest in Ipswich and Topsfield, 1937 

US Geological Survey Map, Ipswich Quadrangle, 1945

US Geological Survey Map, Ipswich Quadrangle, 1950 (1941-1942 reprint)

US Geological Survey Map, Ipswich Quadrangle, 1951 (1945 reprint)

Map Atlas of Ipswich North-Shore water and land resources 1977

Lawrence, MA

US Geological Survey Map, Lawrence, 1908 (1893 reprint) (showing buildings, topography, and natural features)

US Geological Survey Map, Lawrence, 1917 (showing buildings, topography, and natural features)


US Geological Survey Map, Lawrence Quadrangle, 1944 (showing buildings, topography, and natural features)

US Geological Survey Map, Lawrence Quadrangle, 1966 (showing buildings, topography, and natural features)

Lynn, MA

Map of Lynn-Swampscott town lines, 1852 (includes tracing of 1600’s property owners)

US Geological Survey Map, Lynn Quadrangle, 1950 (1946 reprint) (showing buildings, topography, and natural features)

Marblehead, MA

US Geological Survey Map, Marblehead North Quadrangle, 1951 (showing buildings, topography, and natural features)

US Geological Survey Map, Marblehead South Quadrangle, 1948 (showing buildings, topography, and natural features)

Methuen, MA


Map of “Who Lived Where in 1884” 

Middleton, MA

Middleton, MA, D. G. Beers’ Atlas of Essex County, 1872 


Map of “Who Lived Where in 1884” 

Nantasket Beach, MA

US Geological Survey Map, Nantasket Beach Quadrangle, 1961 (showing buildigns, topography, and natural features)

Newbury, MA

Map of Newbury, MA, 1795

Map of Boston and Maine Railroad Track and Right-of-Way at Georgetown and Newbury line, 1914

Newburyport, MA

US Geological Survey Map, Newburyport, 1908 (1884 reprint) (showing buildings, topography, and natural features)

US Geological Survey Map, Newburyport West Quadrangle, 1944 (showing buildings, topography, and natural features)

US Geological Survey Map, Newburyport East Quadrangle, 1945 (showing buildings, topography, and natural features)

US Geological Survey Map, Newburyport East Quadrangle, 1952 (1942 reprint)

US Geological Survey Map, Newburyport West Quadrangle, 1952 (1942 reprint)

Essex County Electric Company Maps

Haverhill-Newburyport line 1955

North Andover, MA


General Highway Map of Essex County, 1939 (detailed legend captures all residence types including camps, public buildings, businesses, public spaces, road surfacing etc.) (only shows Boxford and North Andover; used for 1950 Boxford census)

Map of North Andover MA, Ralph B Brasseur C.E., original and 1957 revision

North Andover Zoning Map, 1964 

Reading, MA

US Geological Survey Map, Reading Quadrangle, 1945, 1951, 1966 (showing buildings, topography, and natural features)

Rockport, MA

US Geological Survey Map, Rockport Quadrangle, 1950 (showing buildings, topography, and natural features)

Rowley, MA

Map of Rowley, “Mr Ezechi Rogers Plantation shalbee called Rowley,” original house lots from 1634-1645, published by Rowley Historical Society on the occasion of The Massachusetts Bay Colony Tercentenary, 1930 (2 copies)

Map of town of Rowley MA, by Philander Anderson, 1830 (includes modern Georgetown and Byfield) 


Salem, MA

US Geological Survey Map, Salem, 1908(1893 reprint) (showing buildings, topography, and natural features)

US Geological Survey Map, Salem, 1916 (1893 reprint) (showing buildings, topography, and natural features)

US Geological Survey Map, Salem, 1917 (showing buildings, topography, and natural features)

US Geological Survey Map, Salem Quadrangle, 1944 (showing buildings, topography, and natural features)

Swampscott, MA

Map of Lynn-Swampscott town lines, 1852 (includes tracing of 1600’s property owners)

Topsfield, MA


Hood’s Pond Section of Willowdale State Forest in Ipswich and Topsfield, 1937 

Historic map of Topsfield, 1650-1950 

Essex County Electric Company Maps

Georgetown-Topsfield line 1954

Maps of Topsfield MA, C. Lawrence Bond, 1958, 1975 (shows different business, residential and agricultural zones)

Map of “Who Lived Where in 1884” 

Wenham, MA

Map of “Who Lived Where in 1884” 

West Newbury, MA

Map of West Newbury Mass, showing street index, 1984 

Weymouth, MA

US Geological Survey Map, Weymouth Quadrangle, 1971 (showing buildings, topography, and natural features)

Casco Bay, ME

US Geological Survey Map, Cape Elizabeth Quadrangle, 1944

Farmington, ME

US Geological Survey Map, Farmington Quadrangle, 1944 (1924 reprint)

Franklin County, ME

US Geological Survey Map, Phililps Quadrangle, 1942 (1932 reprint)

Gray, ME

US Geological Survey Map, Gray Quadrangle, 1944 (showing buildings, topography, and natural features)

Kennebec County, ME

US Geological Survey Map, Augusta Quadrangle, 1956

Kingfield, ME

US Geological Survey Map, Kingfield Quadrangle, 1939 (1932 reprint)

Orono, ME

US Geological Survey Map, Orono Quadrangle, 1955

Sebago Lake, ME

US Geological Survey Map, Sebago Lake Quadrangle, 1943 (showing buildings, topography, and natural features)

Somerset County, ME

US Geological Survey Map, Anson Quadrangle, 1947 (1904 reprint)

Dover, NH

US Geological Survey Map, Dover Quadrangle, 1956 (showing buildings, topography, and natural features)

Hampton, NH

US Geological Survey Map, Hampton Quadrangle, 1957 (showing buildings, topography, and natural features)

Hillsboro, NH

US Geological Survey Map, Hillsboro Quadrangle, 1949 (showing buildings, topography, and natural features)

Littleton, NH (Vermonth / New Hampshire)

US Geological Survey Map, Littleton Quadrangle, 1971

Mount Washington, NH

US Geological Survey Map, Mount Washington Quadrangle, 1943 (showing buildings, topography, and natural features)

Newmarket, NH

US Geological Survey Map, Newmarket Quadrangle, 1956 (showing buildings, topography, and natural features)

Peterborough, NH
US Geological Survey Map, Peterborough Quadrangle, 1950 (showing buildings, topography, and natural features)

Rockingham County, NH
Rockingham County NH atlas map copies, 1853 

Lake Winnipesauki, NH

US Geological Survey Map, Winnipesauki Quadrangle, 1956 (showing buildings, topography, and natural features)

Woodsville, NH (Vermont / New Hampshire)

US Geological Survey Map, Woodsville Quadrangle, 1935

Europe Maps

National Geographic Map of Europe, 1920 

World Maps

Leard’s Map of the World, 1452 or 1453 (copy) 

Map of World, 1589 (copy)

Universi Orbis (copy)