Town and Subject Photographs

Boxford Village

         Village scenes

         First Church (exterior views)

         First Church (interior views)

         Howe-Johnson Store (Perley #60A)


         Morse Playground

Post Office

Old Town Hall/Aaron Wood School (Tri-Town School Union)

         Old Town Hall/Community Center

         Veterans memorial

Howe Village

West Boxford Village

         Village scenes

         Boxford Historic Document Center

         Burgson’s Paint Shop

         Columbia Hall

         Community Giving Tree/Park House garage

         Gas Station (Robert Robinson’s)



         Hay scales

         Ingalls Memorial Library/Document Center

         Library/Gardner Morse School

         Lincoln Hall

Nason’s Paint Shop (200 Washington Street)

         Second Church

         Soldiers Monument

         Village Store (Gardner Morse-Colby-Blake Store - Perley #227)

         Cyanotype photograph album (donated by Dick Hopping)

                     Soldiers Monument

                     Old (Morse) Store

                     Columbia Hall

                     Pump - School #6, Corner of Lake Shore Rd. and Main Street      

                     Second Congregational Church

                     Old parsonage on hill  

                     Barker Free School and house

                     Horse sheds for Church

                     #6 School (Mary Tyler Day)

                     First Library, now Doll House

                     Scales by West Boxford store

                     School #5, on right Valley and Ipswich Road

                     Sperry's Pond

                     Town Hall, Boxford

                     Ice houses

                 School #4, in square West Boxford

                     unidentified house

Blacksmith shop – Crossman’s


         Eight Mile tree marker (1959)

Boxford Common

“The Boxford Cow”

Boxford Fire Department 

Boxford Highway Department and dump

Boxford Honor Roll (old Town Hall)

Boxford Police Department

Boxford Town Hall (current)

         Old town halls (Community Center and Aaron Wood School)


Camp Curtis Guild

         Camp Robert Bacon

Second Corps Cadets, Salem



Four Mile Village

Horses and other animals

         Includes horses, cows, dogs, chickens, and a fox

Ice houses

Kneeler (St. Mary's Church, Boxford, England)


         Brown's saw mill

         Charles Chaplin's grist mill (Mill Road)

         Charles Chaplin’s saw mill (Mill Road)                                       

Charles Chaplin's saw mill (Depot Road)

Joshua Day's grist mill (Main Street)

Job Frame's saw mill (Lockwood Lane)

Hayward's saw mill (Mill Road)

         Solomon Howe's saw mill (Mill Road)

         Killam's saw mill (1938 hurricane – Ipswich Road)

         Jonathan Porter’s saw mill (old wheel) – Brook Road

Hiram Towne's saw mill

         Unidentified sawmill

         Nason's wheelwright shop

Match Factory (Lawrence Road)


         Kelsey's Highlands Nursery

         Locke's Highlands Nursery

Playground - Lewis Kennedy Morse

Ponds and Brooks

         Baldpate Pond

         Cole's Brook/Fish Brook

         Coles Pond

         Fish Brook

         Hovey's Pond

         Kimball's Pond

         Lowes Pond

         Sperry's Pond

         Spring Brook

         Stevens Pond

         Stiles Pond

         Towne Pond

         unidentified (West Boxford)

         West Boxford pond                


         Baldpate Road

         (includes flood conditions)

Brookview Road

         (includes flood conditions)

Depot Road

Georgetown Road

         Ipswich Road

         Lawrence Road

         Main Street

                     (includes snow and flood conditions)

         Maple Avenue

         Mill Road 

         Oak Ridge Road

Route 95 - construction

         Snowplow (1914)

         Sunrise Road

Towne Road

         Valley Road

         Washington Street

         “Watering hole”

Round Top

The "Sand Pile"

Shoemakers shop



Storm damage



Summer Camps

         American Woolen Company, Boxford Camp

         Camp Rotary

Town Farm (Baldpate Road)

Travelling salesmen

         Selling fruit

         Selling wood and coal



        Alper’s Land (BTA/BOLT photographs)

        Camp Denison Conservation Area (BTA/BOLT photographs)

Cleaveland Farm State Forest (BTA/BOLT photographs)

Curtis Oaks

Fires (near Lawrence Road)

Haynes Woods

Ingalls Memorial Woodlands/Wetlands (BTA/BOLT photographs)

        Lockwood Forest (BTA/BOLT photographs)

        Lord Forest & Fields

        Moose (1942)

        Palmer Woods/Fairy Ring

        Winding Oaks Trails (BTA/BOLT photographs)

        Arthur Phillips

        Unidentified Woodlands

Photographs - Schools

Old Boxford Schools

         Schoolhouse #1/Andrews School

                     Building pictures

                     Class pictures

         Schoolhouse #2/Palmer School

                     Building pictures

                     Class pictures

                     School reunion

         Schoolhouse #3/Aaron Wood School

                     Building pictures

                     Class pictures

         Schoolhouse #4 (before 1912)

                     Building pictures

                     Class pictures

         Schoolhouse #5/Kimball School

                     Building pictures

                     Picture of stone monument

                     Class pictures

                     School reunion pictures

         Schoolhouse #6/Mary Tyler Day School

                     Building picture

                     Picture of pump

                     Class pictures

Consolidated/modern Boxford schools

         Aaron Wood School

                     Building pictures


                     Class pictures

  Barker Free School

                     Building pictures

                     Class pictures

         Harry L. Cole School

                     Building pictures

                     Class pictures

         Gardner Morse School/old (after 1912)

                     Building pictures

                     Class pictures-younger grades

                     Class pictures (older grades)

                     Additional pictures

         Gardner Morse School (new)

         Elementary school field trip, Feb. 1980


                     Building picture

                     Girls varsity basketball game, 1980


         Calvin Park's School/Doll House

         Spofford Pond School

School Bus

Schools in other towns




North Andover


                     High School class picture - 1937 (includes Boxford residents)

                     High School class trip, Washington D.C., 1954

Unidentified class pictures (2)

Unidentified school reunion (?)


Other locations:

Boston – c.1890s church photographs

Boxford, England - village views

Bradford - church

Bradford - storm damage (1936 flood)

Georgetown – Historical Society reprints

Groveland - storm damage (1936 flood)                

Haverhill - storm damage (1936 flood)

Newbury - Chain Bridge

North Andover - Great Pond Road and Lake Cochickawick

North Andover - storm damage (1936 flood)

North Andover – Windrush Farm, 1982

Salem – Planning Commission photos (Kelsey)

Saugus - Iron works

Topsfield – Fairgrounds

Topsfield – Main Street

Topsfield - railroad bridge

Wenham – car barns, Main Street

Ward, Colorado