
Many of these plans are for properties that have since been subdivided, and they do not show specific buildings. If you are trying to find a plan that shows a certain property, try searching for the street in order to see all results. Still having trouble? You can also contact us for help at


Boxford Village Cemetery

Plot plan with purchasers and cost of burial plots (c. late 1800s)

Plot plans, 1962-1965

Plan for land of Albert G. Gale (land bounded by Depot Road, Georgetown Road and Old Chapman Road), 1964

Brookside Cemetery

Map of plot numbers, 1964

Map of plot numbers, no date (c.1980s-2000)

Map of plots with some owners, no date (likely late 1800s)

Brookside Cemetery and Mount Vernon Cemetery blueprints – WPA Veteran Grave Registration project, 1940

Harmony Cemetery

Plan of Harmony Cemetery, 1947

Mount Vernon Cemetery

   Maps of sections and plot numbers

Brookside Cemetery and Mount Vernon Cemetery blueprints – WPA Veteran Grave Registration project, 1940



Plan of land for Second Congregational Church, 1975

Plan for Second Congregational Church addition and alterations, 1982


Community Center / Council on Aging

Plans and map for the Community Center at Old Town Hall (4 Middleton Road), 1985-1986

Plan of Preliminary Parking Lots for the East Boxford Store (7 Elm Street) and Boxford Community Center (4 Middleton Road), 1986


Fire Department

Blueprint for East Boxford fire station, 1942

Plans for East Boxford Fire Station, 6 Middleton Road, 1982

Proposed plans for expansion of East Boxford Fire Station, 6 Middleton Road, 1992

Property plan for Philip Paradis showing his blacksmith shop (later became first West Boxford Fire Station), 1912


Gravel Pit

Sketch for proposed gravel pit on Willow Road, prepared for Pasquale V. and June Abruzese, 1960

        Sketch for Pasquale V. Abruzese of lot for gravel pit on Willow Road (Georgetown Sand and Gravel Co.), 1954

Aerial Views of Gravel Pit off Valley Road (Superior Court Case vs. Georgetown Sand and Gravel Co.), no date

Preliminary subdivision plan for Georgetown Sand and Gravel showing Porter Road area (but with significant changes, road goes from Ipswich Road to Willow Road, ending where Deer Run Road is now), includes buildings at 57 Willow Road, 24 Deer Run Road, and 105 Porter Road, no date

Property plan for Georgetown Sand and Gravel off of Spofford Road showing “Rowley Pasture” in Georgetown on Boxford town line, 1964

USGIS Map of Boxford with locus for Georgetown Sand and Gravel Co. pit, 1966



Baldpate Road:

Property plan for Raymond Perley showing 24 Baldpate Road and 26 Baldpate Road, 1965

Deer Run Road:

Preliminary subdivision plan for Georgetown Sand and Gravel showing Porter Road area (but with significant changes, road goes from Ipswich Road to Willow Road, ending where Deer Run Road is now), includes buildings at 57 Willow Road, 24 Deer Run Road, and 105 Porter Road, no date

Depot Road:

Property plan for Sue S. Howe land showing Boston and Maine Railroad depot at 129 Depot Road and the pump and well house for 139 Depot Road, 1948

Eagles Nest Lane:

Property plan for Dorothy Woodbury showing subdivision of 51 Valley Road, 55 Valley Road and 4 Eagles Nest Lane, 1962

Plan for Dorothy Woodbury showing 7 Eagles Nest Lane, 1966

Plan for Arthur Woodbury showing 7 Eagles Nest Lane with addition, 1956

        Elm Street:

Property plan for Clinton E. French showing East Village Store and gas pumps,


Endicott Road:

Plan of land for Isaac H. Sawyer in Boxford and Topsfield, 21 Endicott Road, 1934

Plan of Thomas Sawyer Farm, 21 Endicott Road, 1903

        Essex Street:

Plans of land for Charles B. and Louise T. Matses, includes 4 Essex Street and several plans for the development of 200 Washington Street, 1989-1990

Plans for property owned by Abijah Northey, 1835

House lot, 5 Essex Street, corner of Essex Road and Washington Street / Rte. 133 (see others below under “property plans”)

Georgetown Road:

Plan for 54 Georgetown Road – Historic blueprints, c.1930 and architectural plans, 1957

Property plan for Franklin C. Roberts showing 118 Georgetown Road, 1950 (1961 copy)

Property plan for land belonging to Stockman Trust (Stage Coach Road, Hillside Road and Georgetown Road – shows buildings at 218 Georgetown Road), 1955

Plan of land owned by Charles and Roberta Cody, 233 Georgetown Road, 1983

Glendale Road:

Property plan for 10 Glendale Road, 1954

Property plan for John G. and Arthur D. Whittier showing 16 Glendale Road, 1963 (property that later became MacDonald Drive)

Plan of land for Lester G. Hagan, 32 Glendale Road, 1965

  Highland Road:

Property plan for Eagle Hill Nest Trust, Sticklor property at 2 Highland Road, 1974

Property plan for estate of Mabel L. Greenler showing 38 Highland Road, 1977

Property plan for estate of Mabel L. Greenler showing Highland and Spofford Roads to the edge of Spofford Pond, shows subdivision of 5 lots on Highland Road, 29 Highland Road, 39 Highland Road, 41 Highland Road, 45 Highland Road and 47 Highland Road, 1978

Ipswich Road:

Plans of land sold by Oliver Wood to Albert Perley [213 Ipswich Road and unidentified field lot], 1835

Property plan for land owned by North Bennett Street Industrial School showing buildings – Moses Alpers camp (BTA/BOLT Alpers Woods property) and North Bennett Street camp property at 284 Ipswich Road

Property plan for 303 Ipswich Road, 1956

Property plan for land belonging to Eagle Hill Nest Trust (northwest corner of Ipswich and Highland Roads – shows building for 423 Ipswich Road), 1979

Sketch by Dorothy Woodbury showing division of the real estate of Jonathan Foster, c.1858, 411 Ipswich Road - 455 Ipswich Road, Valley Road and Highland Road, no date (Dorothy Woodbury Collection)

Plan of Tyler land in Boxford (474 Ipswich Road and surrounding area), 1829

Property plan: “Plan of a portion of the Homestead Farm of the late Capt. Enoch Wood” showing 474 Ipswich Road and property across the street, 1899 (3 copies)

Plans of property for Vernon M. Hawkins, Ipswich Road from 401 Ipswich Road to 373 Ipswich Road, 1974 and 1978

Property plans for George H. Farr showing properties from the one west of 420 Ipswich Road to 414 Ipswich Road, 1963 (also plan for same property belonging to Ernest R. Sias, 1961)

Property plan for Ray J. Stecker showing intersection of Ipswich Road and Valley

Road with 437 Ipswich Road with well from Perley #91

Property plan for deed from David L. Ladd to Jeanne D. Rich showing 474 Ipswich Road, 1980

        Killam Hill Road:

Property plan for Manuel F. Mello showing Killam Hill Road and Route 97 showing properties from 132 Killam Hill Road to 160 Killam Hill Road with proposed connector to Georgetown Road opposite King Richard, which was never built, 1962

Lake Shore Road:

Property plan for Stanwood R. Morss showing 47 Lake Shore Road, 1960

Lily Pond Road:

Property plan for Walter K. Morss showing property off of Lily Pond Road on the Boxford / Bradford town line across from Chadwick Pond (41 Lily Pond Road and surrounding area), 1957

Property plan for Blanche A. Chadwick, showing land at intersection of Barker Road, Main Street and Lily Pond Road (including buildings at 778 Main Street and 7 Lily Pond Road, 1946

       Lockwood Lane:

Plan of Twitchell Farm, 66 Lockwood Lane, no date

        Main Street:

Property plan for Mill Run Trust showing Mill Run Road subdivision and building at 20 Main Street, 1961(Dorothy Woodbury Collection)

Plan of the division of the farm of Richard Foster (Perley #156, approx. at 68 Middleton Road), 1881 tracing of 1814 plan, includes 57 Main Street and 77 Main Street

Composite plan made of plan for subdivision of estate of Arthur A. and Zelie A. Augur, 1950 and Plan of Gardner Morse School and 182 Washington Street, 1960, with notes dated 1972

Plan for Harry L. Cole, 499 Main Street, 1917

Plan for Peter J. and Gail C. Newcomb for proposed dwelling at 503 Main Street, 1984

Plan of land for Dean Spofford (556 Main Street), 1989

Property plan for Edward R. Greenwood showing 551 and 545 Main Street, 1962

Property plan for Lincoln Hall and West Village Store prepared for the Town of Boxford and Earle and Avis Blake, 1978

Property plan for Milton Realty Trust showing 665 Main Street buildings, 1965

Property plan for corner of Lily Pond Road and Main Street shows 769 Main Street, 1965

Property plan for Blanche A. Chadwick, showing land at intersection of Barker Road, Main Street and Lily Pond Road (including buildings at 778 Main Street and 7 Lily Pond Road, 1946

Middleton Road:

Preliminary plan for “Townsend Manor” showing Townsend Farm Road neighborhood and 63 Middleton Road, 1961 (Dorothy Woodbury Collection)

Plan of the division of the farm of Richard Foster (Perley #156, approx. at 68 Middleton Road), 1881 tracing of 1814 plan, includes 73 Middleton Road property

Property plans for Lucia D. E. Atwood, 78 Middleton Road property and Redington Ridge neighborhood property, 1956

        Oak Ridge Road:

Property plan for the Boxford Town Forest in West Boxford showing 54 Oak Ridge Road and 69 Oak Ridge Road, 1938 (2 copies)

        Pearl Road:

Property plan showing changes to lots 8 and 9 of the “Swift Estates” (14 Pearl Road and 18 Pearl Road, with existing foundation at #14), 1981

        Porter Road:

Preliminary subdivision plan for Georgetown Sand and Gravel showing Porter Road area (but with significant changes, road goes from Ipswich Road to Willow Road, ending where Deer Run Road is now), includes buildings at 57 Willow Road, 24 Deer Run Road, and 105 Porter Road, no date

Spofford Road:

Property plan for land on Spofford Pond opposite the school (shows building approximately at 32 Spofford Road), 1931

        Titus Lane:

Property plan for development of land belonging to Calvin Titus (shows 6 Titus Ln, 10 Titus Ln, 12 Titus Ln), 1953

Property plan for Titus Lane to accompany petition for amendment to zoning bylaw (shows 6 Titus Ln, 10 Titus Ln, 12 Titus Ln), 1961

        Towne Road:

Plan of J.P. Hughes Estate, 55 Towne Road, 1935

        Valley Road:

Property plan for George T. and Cynthia D. Rodes showing 51 Valley Road, 1984

Property plan for Dorothy Woodbury showing subdivision of 51 Valley Road, 55 Valley Road and 4 Eagles Nest Lane, 1962

Property plan for Dorothy Woodbury showing 42 Valley Road and 44 Valley Road, 1973

Property plan for E. Arthur and Dorothy L. Woodbury showing 20 Valley Road, 1960

Property plan for Gordon A. Gaskill showing subdivision of 65 Valley Road and 67 Valley Road, 1978

Property plan for estate of George B. Foster showing parts of 65 Valley Road, 67 Valley Road and 79 Valley Road properties, 1962

Property plan for subdivision of Ralph and Virginia Kimball land on Willow Road – shows house and outbuildings at 106 Valley Road, 1958

Washington Street:

Plan of land owned by Dorothy Chadwick, 5 Washington Street, 1964

Plan of land for Benjamin Hale, 17 Washington Street and 18 Washington Street, 1903

Plan for land of Rosamond Ingalls Gowen, 18 Washington Street, 1977

Plan for land of Rosamond Gowen, “Ingaldsby Project: West Boxford, Massachusetts,” Planner: Robert N. Hotvedt (18 Washington Street, 38 Washington Street, Knowlton House, 2 Whittier Terrace, 3 Whittier Terrace, 8 Whittier Terrace marked on map) 

Plans of land for Charles B. and Louise T. Matses, includes 4 Essex Street and several plans for the development of 200 Washington Street, 1989-1990

Property plan for George R. Barker, Marcia B. Vallely and Caroline B. Nash showing 221 Washington Street, 225 Washington Street and 237 Washington Street (lots #4 and #5 now BTA/BOLT “Barker Property,” 1985

        Willow Road:

Preliminary subdivision plan for Georgetown Sand and Gravel showing Porter Road area (but with significant changes, road goes from Ipswich Road to Willow Road, ending where Deer Run Road is now), includes buildings at 57 Willow Road, 24 Deer Run Road, and 105 Porter Road, no date




Ingalls Memorial Library Association

Blueprint plans for 173A Washington St., 1929

Architectural drawings for 173A Washington St., 1929

Blueprint of alterations to the Cummings House (10 Elm Street), 1940

Boxford Village Library Addition and Renovation, 1981

Plan of property of the Boxford Public Library Association, 1934

Plan for Charles L. Cotton of land behind the library on Sayward Road, 1985



Plan of the land of the Salem Cadets Camp Association [Camp Stanton / Camp Curtis Guild], 1897

Plan for Maneuver area- Middlesex & Essex counties, Mass, 1911 (includes West Boxford inset) prepared by Lieut. G.C. Marshall Jr.



Howes Pond Mill (Mill Road) – Blueprint plans for Historic American Buildings Survey for 1710 saw, grist and knife mill


Open Space

Boxford Open Space Plan, 1974 (in Dorothy Woodbury Collection)

Plan for Boxford Town Forest, includes Main Street, Oak Ridge Road and Lake Shore Road, 1938

Plan of the Boxford Reservation (John C. Phillips Wildlife Sanctuary), 1933

Plan of the Boxford State Forest, 1933

Plan of the Georgetown-Rowley State Forest, Department of Conservation, 1934

Property plan for the Boxford Town Forest in West Boxford showing 54 Oak Ridge Road and 69 Oak Ridge Road, 1938 (2 copies)

Property plan for Wildcat Forest by the Town of Boxford, 1961



Plan for land of Albert G. Gale - land bounded by Depot Road, Georgetown Road and Old Chapman Road, 1964 (see Boxford Village Cemetery)

Plan for land of E. E. Pearl, land bounded by Groveland and Georgetown lines and Rte. 133, 1899 (with changes to 1926)

Plan for land of E. E. Pearl, land bounded by Groveland and Georgetown lines, Main Street, and Ipswich Road, 1900

        Plan for Ingaldsby Land of Walter Renton Ingalls, land bounded by Washington Street, Groveland line, Uptack Road, and Rte. 133, revised 1941

Plan for land on either side of Rte. 133 from the east edge of West Boxford Village to the Georgetown line, c.1889-1901

Plan for Ingaldsby and surrounding land, bounded by Washington Street and Groveland line, no date (c.1912-1941)

Plan for north corner of Ingaldsby, revised 1938

Plan for Baldpate Pond proposed development, prepared for Moses and Minna G. Alpers and Maurice H. and Edythe K. Shulman, showing land bounded by Ipswich Road, Baldpate Road, Hillside Road and the Georgetown line, includes Great Pond Drive as a woods road, 1959

Plan of land subdivided for Henry B. and Barbara H. Perley, Depot Road opposite Cross Street to Old Chapman Road, 1987

Plan of land in West Boxford Owned by Edward E. Pearl and Others, Main Street and Glendale Road intersection to Main Street and Washington Street intersection to Washington Street and Willow Road intersection, 1928

Plan for Baldpate Pond proposed development, showing land bounded by Ipswich Road, Baldpate Road, Hillside Road and the Georgetown line, includes Great Pond Drive as a proposed road, c.1959

Plan for Access Alternative on Main Street between Foster and Bennett Roads, prepared for George Farr, 1989

Property plan for land surrounding Stiles Pond and Main Street, also Cole property, 1986 (annotations by Dorothy Woodbury)

Plan of Batchelder Land in Boxford, Property of the Town of Boxford, corner of Ipswich Road and Spofford Road, 1956

       Plan of land for Property in Boxford and Georgetown MA for the Estate of Jane S. Chase, Baldpate Road at Georgetown line, 1987

       Plan of land for Isaac H. Sawyer, Middleton Road and Washington Street (now Endicott Road), 1920

Plan of land for Isaac H. Sawyer in Boxford on Endicott Road (current location of Masconomet High School, shows Killam house on Endicott Road (Perley #147)

Plan for subdivision of Whittier Terrace, 1965

Plan of land for Wild Meadow Trust (plan for Batchelder Road), 1981

Plan of a portion of Homestead Farm of Capt. Enoch Wood (land approx. bounded by Porter Road, Ipswich Road and Main Street), 1899

Plan of land for Roy C. and Barbara M. Carlson, Jr., includes future Four Mile Village, 1984

Plans of land for the Boxford Friendship Foundation, Four Mile Village development, 1991

Plans of land for Charles B. and Louise T. Matses, includes 4 Essex Street and several plans for the development of 200 Washington Street, 1989-1990

Plans for the subdivision of Andrews Farm Road, includes Andrews Farm Road, Upton Lane and Silverbrook Road (with 1989 landowners), 1989-1991

Topographical plan for subdivision of Whittier Terrace, 1961

Topographical plan of land for Walter A. Littlefield, Jr. (plan for Whittier Terrace), 1961

Plan of land bordered by Spofford Road, Valley Road and Highland Road with proposed road (early version of Adams Road), 1964 (from the Dorothy Woodbury Collection)

Plan for land around Cedar Pond, includes Main Street, Herrick Road, Old Farm Road and a woods road (later Sheffield Road), 1951 (in Dorothy Woodbury Collection)

Hand-drawn plan by Dorothy Woodbury showing Main Street, Brookview Road, Mortimer Road, Sheffield Road, Inverness Circle, no date (in Dorothy Woodbury Collection)

Plan of land for Harry Lee Cole (unrecorded), land around Stiles Pond, including Main Street and Maple Avenue, 1967 (in Dorothy Woodbury Collection)

Plan of land at the Main Street and Middleton Road intersection, bordered by the Boxford State Forest on the south, includes woods road that is now Townsend Farm Road, c.1960s-1970s (in Dorothy Woodbury Collection)

Plan of Ingaldsby land, drawn by Walter Renton Ingalls, updated by Dorothy Woodbury in 1982 (in Dorothy Woodbury Collection)

Plan for Spillway Repairs at Pye Brook Dam on Depot Road, 1964

Plans for property owned by Abijah Northey, 1835

House lot, corner of Essex Road and Washington Street / Rte. 133 (5 Essex Street)

Wood lot (Burnham lot), under power lines near Hovey’s Pond

Hovey Pasture, property just south of Millbrook Fields Farm at 642 Main Street Plain Meadow, New Orchard and Small Pasture, land across from 5 Essex Street on Essex Street and Washington Street

Plan of Chapman Way (proposed), no date

Plans of land for Township Realty Trust, Baldpate Road opposite Baldpate Pond, 1980

Plan for the Widening of Kelsey Road, 1859 (1917 reprint)

Plan of land for the Swift Estates Development (Porter Road and Pearl Road, ending at circle), 1979

Plan of land on Willow Road from Washington Street to Pine Plain Road, no date [early 1900s]

Plan of land owned in Boxford and North Andover by Paul J. Whitney and Robert J. Henley, Main Street, Anderson Drive, Cole Drive, Maple Ave, Puritan Drive, Witchcrest Drive, Foster Street, 1970

Plan of land for Anderson Drive and Cole Drive development, also showing Maple Avenue and Main Street, 1972

Proposed plan for Boxford Crossing, SE corner of Middleton Road and Main Street [Cargill Field], 1988

Plans for George Busby (copied by Rosamond Ingalls, 1959)

Land south of the Washington and Willow Road / Rt. 133 split, 1929

Land north of Willow Road / Rt. 133, east of the Parker River, 1925

Land along Willow Road / Rt. 133 from the Parker River to Georgetown, 1925

Plans for Kelsey Highlands Nursery, 1912 and 1955

Plan of land on corner of Ipswich and Georgetown Roads, 1957

Plan of land off Washington Street along the Groveland line, 1990

Painted plan showing land between Lawrence Road and Towne Road with property owners, c.1930s-1950s

Plan of Ingaldsby Land (land between Washington Street, Willow Street and Groveland/Boxford line), 1941

Plan for proposed route for an electric railway from Bradford Academy to Putnamville, Danvers, Mass., 1903 (Main Street from Bradford line to Ipswich Road to Georgetown Road to Elm Street to Topsfield Road to Topsfield line – includes all homeowners)

Plan for Henry Perley Pasture (land along Chapman Lane from the Cemetery to Boren Lane, somewhere between 30 Depot Road and 42 Depot Road), 1946 (from the Dorothy Woodbury Collection)

Plan of pasture land sold by Mary J. Perley of Salem to William E. Killam, 1866

Plan of Lockwood Lane, 1974

Plan of Abel Spofford Peat Meadow, a little south of 499 Main Street (see plan of Enoch Wood Homestead, 1899), 1896

Plan for proposed portion of Main Street that runs between Ipswich Road and Glendale Road, 1823

Plan of the Hazen Lot, S. Goodale Estate, c. 1872 (now Camelot Dr. neighborhood)

Plan of Winthrop P. Haynes land on Boxford/Rowley line

Plan of Boxford Land Held by A.M. Haynes, A.W. Morse and W.P. Haynes (and others – land north and south of 57 Main Street)

Plan of the division of the farm of Richard Foster (Perley #156, approx. at 68 Middleton Road), 1881 tracing of 1814 plan


57 Main Street

77 Main Street

Land in southwest corner of Main Street and Middleton Road

Land south of Howe’s Pond and between Middleton and Mill Roads, including the mills

“Stuart Woodlot”

“Herrick Lot”

Large part of Townsend Farm Rd neighborhood

73 Middleton Road property

Plan for King’s Forest Neighborhood, 1960

Property plan for Eagle Hill Nest Trust subdivision, showing land between Spofford Road, Highland Road, Valley Road and Ipswich Road, including Adams Road, Chaplin Circle and Carleton Circle, 1964 (1979 revision)

Property plan for Eagle Hill Nest Trust development, Valley Road and Adams Road, no date

Topographical map for Dorothy Woodbury, showing land between Spofford Road, Highland Road, Valley Road and Ipswich Road, including Adams Road, Chaplin Circle and Carleton Circle, no date

Property plan for estate of Mabel L. Greenler showing land between Highland Road, Spofford Road, and Spofford Pond, 1977

Property plan for estate of Mabel L. Greenler showing contours of Highland Road property, 1977

Topographical map with property lines showing land between Ipswich Road, Willow Road and Valley Road, 1960

Contour map Melvin W. Smallwood showing land between Service Road (Pond Street), I-95 and Ipswich Road, 1959

Property plan for Beetty Trust showing Bare Hill Road, Surrey Lane and Long Hill, 1980

Property plan for Charles Swift showing subdivision of MacDonald Drive neighborhood, 1967 (also shows Glendale Road

Property plan for Melvin W. Smallwood showing land between Service Road (Pond Street), I-95 and Ipswich Road, 1959

Property plan of land in West Boxford Owned by E.E. Pearl and others showing Willow Road and Pine Plain Road from the Parker River to the Georgetown line, also part of Valley Road and Ipswich Road, 1900 (Dorothy Woodbury Collection)

Property plan for Mary J. Nason estate wooded property between Foster Street and Bennett Street on North Andover line, 1963

Property plan for William E. Dorman showing “Spofford Pasture and Orchard” on Spofford Road at Georgetown town line, 1964

Property plan for Henry C. Perley showing land between Spofford Road and Baldpate Road, 1971

Property plan for “Puritan Hills” showing Andersen Drive and Cole Drive, 1961

Property plan for Bruce Andrews and Bernice Goodman showing property on Valley Road at Adams Road, Chaplin Road and Carleton Circle, 1964 (Dorothy Woodbury Collection)

Property plan by E.E. Pearl showing land between Washington Street, Main Street and

Ipswich Road, c.1900 (from Dorothy Woodbury Collection)

Property plan for High Ridge Road development (includes Herrick Forest), 1975

Property plan for Red Barn Trust showing Valley Road, 1959

Property plan of land on Willow Road showing subdivision for Deer Run Road, 1962

Property plan for land owned by North Bennett Street Industrial School (intersection of Ipswich Road with Herrick Road and Spofford Road), 1964



Plan for Preliminary Study for Masconomet Regional School Committee, bounded by

Endicott Road, Fish Brook, Ipswich River, I-95, 1960

Composite plan made of plan for subdivision of estate of Arthur A. and Zelie A. Augur, 1950 and Plan of Gardner Morse School and 182 Washington Street, 1960, with notes dated 1972

Aaron Wood School, Fire Escape Plan, 1945

Plans for Gardner Morse School conversion to West Boxford Library, 1972

Plans for Gardner Morse School (as built – pre-conversion), 1972 (2 copies)


Town of Boxford

Town of Boxford Massachusetts General Plan (includes existing and proposed open space, swamps and conservancy, historic districts, alternative business sites and light industrial sites), 1954 (?)

Proposed plan for Department of Public Works building, 1968 (?)

Proposed plan for alterations to Boxford Town Hall for interim office space, 1968

Plan for Town of Boxford showing northeast corner of Ipswich Road and Spofford Road intersection (Town Hall, Police Station, DPW), 1995

Proposed Town Center (Town Hall, Police Station, DPW), by Walter Littlefield & Robert Halloran, 1998

Plan for Town Hall Renovations (did not get approved by H.D.C., 1979-1980

Plans for renovation of Old Town Hall into Boxford Community Center, 1985 (2 copies)

Property plan for the Town of Boxford of the Stiles Pond Town Beach lot, 1974


Regional Plans

New England Power Service Company - Proposed Plan of Transmission Lines between Ward Hill and West Amesbury, 1960 (showing buildings, topography and natural features)


Andover (North Andover), MA

Plan for new schoolhouse c. early 1800s

Plan for Moses Kimball property deeded to sons, 1806


Georgetown, MA

Plan for land in Georgetown and Rowley owned by Mrs. Dean, 1914

Property plan of Thurlow Street in Georgetown, 1938

Property plan of Thurlow Street on Georgetown/Groveland line (was Rowley/Bradford line), 1827 (traced in 1909)


Groveland, MA

Groveland MA assessors plan, 1903 (includes Boxford on Georgetown town line)


Rowley, MA

Plan for land in Georgetown and Rowley owned by Mrs. Dean, 1914


Topsfield, MA

Plan of land for Isaac H. Sawyer, on Rowley Bridge Road and the Ipswich River, 1934


Wenham, MA

Plan for Phoebe Dorman land, Cedar Swamp Lot Adjoining Great Pond (Wenham Lake in Wenham, MA), 1818 (copied 1844 and 1952)


Hampton Beach, NH

Property plans for Hampton Beach (NH), 1918 and 1927